March 18, 2010

Health debacle

"News Flash! Our health care system is broken, even though it is the best in the world!" Um.... I am not even going to try to make sense out of that. I did have a thought though (read the scenario and then I will tell). There is all this talk about fixing health care, but all the talk is just about insurance. I haven't had insurance for 4 years. I can't afford it. I have 2 back surgeries in my medical background and a bad case of acid reflux and my wife has had surgery to remove a dermoid tumor and an ovary and then had 2 miscarriages that required hospital stays. They want more than I make each month for personal insurance coverage for my family. My only hope is to get on a group plan, which means I have to work for someone else, or grow my business large enough to where I don't ruin the plan for everyone, which would be somewhere upwards of 30 employees. Right now, it is just me. So, I don't seem to be able to get insurance, but soon, if obamacare passes, I will be a criminal because I don't have insurance. What a dumb idea.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Ok, here is a solution for you. Take all "business" or "employer" group plans, and roll them all into a really big group. Everyone pays the same for the same coverage. Now, make different coverage levels that specify a dollar amount of coverage per specific treatment. Now, since the government is completely obsessed with the idea of them fixing health care, provide a government overload coverage plan, and anyone diagnosed with specific (very costly) problems, can opt into the government meddlesome program which will pay beyond the standard insurance coverage, but will also make sure everything billed for was actually done, and you have the information from someone that isn't writing out the bills to you or the program. They can go ape with that program.

Another thing, all insurance need to meet the same standard. Once they all meet the same standards, all insurance should be available to anyone. All providers should be automatically prohibited from being an insurance provider and vice-versa, to prevent the obvious conflict of interest there. The accountants who bill for stuff should be liable for fraud if they bill for something that wasn't documented, and if someone documents something that didn't happen, that is fraud. Lastly, a new standard for medical malpractice needs to be set and eliminate the ridiculous lawsuit payouts that have completely destroyed the old fashioned notion that a doctor is there to help people first. With our modern system, it seems that the accountants have made the doctors help themselves to our money more than help us to get healed. Of course, if that wasn't bad enough, the vampires ... um, I mean ... lawyers ... well, they then pick the doctors pockets. So little of health care seems to be about health anymore. Too bad we can't take money out of health care altogether.

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