March 17, 2010


I have been working on taxes. Did you know that our tax system is a mess. Ok, well, to be fair, it is way worse than a mess. It is impossible. I have been trying to figure out some obscure tax code machinations that my former accountant did with my corporate books. They don't match what I have in my copy of my books.

I complicated it by not having the software to get into my books with me. My brother and former partner had it. He didn't use it, so I am not sure why he had it, but it is probably just one of those oversights that occurred when we split stuff up in a hurry.

Anyway, I have been doing my taxes. I am late I just found out. That means I am going to be fined. And then, since I am going to be fined, I am going to be charged interest. 5% a month. Wow, I wish I could make 5% a month on anything. Once I have the company taxes done (the company that is no more), then I can do my personal taxes.

Did you know that the Senate Majority Leader says that paying taxes is voluntary. My understanding of voluntary means that I don't have to if I don't want to. My understanding of tax law is that you have to or you go to jail. I guess by the same logic, not killing people is voluntary too. What a crock.

About five or six years ago, I heard of The Fair Tax. I know, you think, taxes are not fair. Some pay more than others, and some benefit more than others, and there is no way to truly level the playing field. However, this idea has a lot going for it. They make a lot of claims that might be too optimistic, but much of it is simple math. I don't think it is a perfect system, and there are quite a few tweaks and modifications I would propose for it to make it more fair and less burdensome to everybody, but compared to our current system, it would be way better.

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